Ethnicity and Unequal Ageing

Sharing stories for more inclusive ageing 

in Rotherham and Sheffield

Welcome to the Ethnicity and Unequal Ageing Project

Our ageing population is becoming increasingly ethnically diverse. However, not everyone reaches old age at the same level of wellbeing. Some groups might be prevented from accessing basic services, have good work conditions, or fully participate in society purely because of who they are. 

How people are included or excluded from employment, education, giving and receiving care, accessing services or housing across their lives can influence their later life wellbeing. These issues disproportionally affect many, if not all, minoritised ethnic groups and refugees. This is unjust and unfair.

The ‘Ethnicity and Unequal Ageing’ project is about trying to improve our understanding of how experiences around inclusion vary across the life course for people from different ethnic groups, and how these experiences intersect with other personal characteristics such as sex, religion, socioeconomic status, and place. 

Please use our menus above to understand more about the project, our team, and the activities we have conducted and planned.

University of Sheffield logo
University of Liverpool logo
Logo for the Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association, known as SADACCA.
Logo for the Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance, known as REMA
Logo for the Office of National Statistics, known as ONS
Logo for the Economic and Social Research Council, known as ESRC